To all those who havent seen it yet, heres the trailer.
And since its MAXIMUM OVERLOAD WEEK this week, we will give you another movie that should be watched out for, though the DVDs already out in the States. Its CHLOE.
People say that youll get midf*cked when you watch Inception. Well boys, youll get eyef*cked when you watch Chloe. If you havent done your research yet, then let me tell you that there are a lot, and I mean, A LOT of NICE, yes boys NICE, scenes. And its Amanda OMGWALELELELE Seyfried. Haha. I know yall get it. Im assuming you got it. Haha.
Here's Chloe's trailer.
And to top this post off, heres one of the best (fake) commercials I have ever seen. BADOOOOOOBOOOOOOO.
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