Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mapalgarong Wednesdays: Spadah mah!

Mmmmm. Cuban poop. Jameson has good taste.


So yeah, you guessed it. This post is about spiderman. Sure there have been heaps of Spiderman video games but this time producers have taken it up a notch. Get this. Four Spidermen in one game! Yeah! Like those coffee thingies!

And what do we call this neat little package of compact awesome?

Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions

The game is planned to hit xbox 360s, PS3s, Wiis and DSs on September 7. Oh but check this out. If you pre-order it you get an exclusive ironman spiderman suit available only and ONLY through pre-order. For those of you who are not at a competent level of geekiness such as myself the ironman spiderman suit may sound like a lame half-assed mash up but its far from it.

Far from it.

Now of course there are going to be a lot of new features and gameplay and whatever but im just excited for one thing and one thing alone.

Spiderman Noir! Still a spiderman. Gritty, misunderstood but still a spiderman and a pretty bad-ass one I must say.

There ARE other spidermen but this one just one my heart with its dark environment and focus on stealth oriented gameplay.


Other playable spidermen include 2099 spiderman, ultimate symbiote spiderman (yeah, like the one in third movie but minus the cheesiness) and the classic amazing spiderman.

Sadly they did not include this version of spiderman. It would have been fun too.

If the obvious appeal of buying 4 games but only paying for one doesn't get you then maybe youve stuck your head in a microwave for too long. Just saying. Peace.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Macho Mondays: Yvette Espiritu

Hey Mansters! It’s another Macho Monday and today we give you Yvette Espiritu!

She is currently a junior student of ADMU taking A.B. Management Economics.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Special: Torpe Tips

  1. So yesterday, I met this girl, and I didnt know what to do, so basically, I did what a normal person would do: use Google. So, yeah, here's like instructions on how to successfully deal with this particular situation.

  2. Disclaimer: I havent really tried it yet, cause according to step no.2, I still have to wait for like 3 days before calling her, so yeah, I dont really know yet if these tips are really effective. Haha.

  3. 1. Get her number. Whether you want to call her or text her, you'll need her phone number. Ask her for it yourself. If she gives you her phone number, you know that she's at least a little interested. Besides, it can seem pretty creepy if you get her phone number from one of her friends or by doing an internet search. If she's got a major crush on you, these indirect methods might work, but why even go there? You're smoother than that.

  4. 2. Wait. Despite what you may have heard or read, there's no hard-and-fast rule governing how long to wait before calling her. If for one reason or another you've arranged to call her at a certain time, call her at least a day later, mentioning that something came up. Make casual of it, you've just met this girl, and she shouldn't be treated as an immediate friend, or else you'll seem too eager. Wait a couple days or so (3 days is traditional). Some people will advise waiting a week, but this can make you seem too disinterested, and the girl might not even remember who you are. In the end, you'll just have to judge this for yourself depending on your gut feeling and what you have going on in your own life.

  5. 3. Decide whether to call or send a text message. In the past, text messaging a girl for a date would have been unthinkable. Now, however, it's becoming surprisingly common. That doesn't mean you should do it, though.

  6. - Text messaging is a good shotgun approach to dating. If you don't really care whether you offend the girl or whether you hear from her, it may be a good choice. For example, if you got four other girls' numbers that night at the bar, you could just text message them all. If one texts you back or calls you, you'll know that she's interested (unless, of course, she texts something like, "ur a wimp. learn how to use the phone").
  7. - The older, or more old-fashioned, the girl, the less likely she'll be receptive to receiving a text message.
  8. - Calling her shows that you're confident or at least interested enough in her to face the possibility of rejection. If it's simply a matter of confidence, work on this. It won't get any easier unless you actually start calling girls.
  9. - If the girl seems very casual and receptive to texting--for example, if she sent or received a text while you were talking to her--a text message may be appropriate to ask what she's doing or if she's in the neighborhood so you can hang out. Of course, if she was texting the whole time you were talking to her, you probably also have good reason to fear rejection, so a text may be the way to go.

  10. 4. Think about what you're going to say. The phone call or text won't be your first impression. You already made that when you got her number, so don't worry that you won't say just the right thing. That said, think about what you want to say. Think about what you talked about (more importantly, what she talked about) when you met her--you were listening, weren't you--and think about what you want out of this call. You should have a reason for calling or texting her, such as asking her out on a date or, if not a date, at least asking her to join you for some activity or event. Think about it, but if you're calling you should not, under any circumstances, write out what you want to say and then read from your script.

  11. 5. Make sure you've got the right person. Once you've dialed her number, make sure you have her on the line. In the old days, a guy might have to go through a "gatekeeper" (her parents, her roommate, her boyfriend), to reach a girl. Now that just about everybody has a cell phone this isn't much of a problem, but remember that there's always a chance that the person who answers isn't the girl you want to talk to. Ask to speak to her, or simply say her name as a question to verify that you have her on the line. If you're texting her, keep in mind that you have no way of knowing who will actually see the text.

  12. 6. Introduce yourself. Whether you're calling or sending a text, you should immediately let her know who you are and where you met her or know her from.

  13. 7. Make some small talk. Ask how she's doing. If you can make some appropriate reference to the night you met her--i.e. "Did you get your term paper done?" or "Did you ever find your earring?"--that can break the ice. If texting, you may want to skip the small talk and get right to the invitation so that she'll actually have something "important" to reply to rather than having to waste her time on potentially endless texts.

  14. 8. State your purpose. Sometimes the small talk will just naturally develop into a conversation. If this happens, just roll with it and enjoy. When there's a pause, spring your question. If you're the old-fashioned type (or if she is) you might want to ask her to go to dinner and a movie this weekend. Alternately, you might just ask if she'd like to come to your party tonight or ask if she wants to get a cup of coffee.

  15. 9. Set up a plan. If she's interested, don't dilly-dally. Just get the basic information you need from her (when to pick her up, for example, or where to meet her), or give her the information she needs (i.e. where to meet you). Don't question whether she'll show up or press for any more information than you need, but if she has questions or wants to continue the conversation by all means indulge her. If she decides to pass on your invitation, be nice about it and ask if she'd like to meet up another time. Maybe she will, and maybe she won't. Be pushy or whiny, though, and you can be sure she won't.

  16. 10. If you want her to keep talking to you, Bring up something interesting that she will like. Like if she likes Gossip Girl look up what has been happening on it and talk to her about that, chances are she might be impressed by you.

  17. Random Video Post!