Last Wednesday was the inauguration of the newly elected president of the Philippines, Noynoy Aquino. Yeah, I know, you don't care, but guess who showed up... Chief Justice Renato Corona.

Early this week, he said that he wont be present at the inauguration, for some made up reason. I think he's just bitter, since P-noy refused to recognize Corona's appoinment as the new CJ and opted to take his oath before Associate Justice Morales, and not before him. Thank you for being such an a*s Mr. President.
Anyway, I commend Rennie Boy here for being a role model to all the men out there, being brave, and all that.
Justice Corona shares this prestigious award with Luis Suarez, Uruguay's savior in their recent quarterfinal match against Ghana.
Luis Suarez got a red card for blocking Ghana's game winning goal with his hands, but gave Uruguay a glimmer of hope. Luckily for them, Ghana's Asamoah Gyan went for the crossbar, which eventually led to the downfall of Ghana through penalty kicks.
Here's the link to the video:
Kudos to you my friend. You really do know how to sacrifice yourself for your team, and your country. You deserve to be an ALPHA MALE OF THE WEEK. L=Yeah, like it matters. Haha.
Here's a picture of our great handball hero. Hands. Ball. You get it don't you?