Sunday, September 26, 2010

Farewell Post: Eunica Lim

This is gonna be one of the saddest Sundays of our lives. Today, we will say goodbye. It has been a great sem, though we didn't win, but still, thank you guys for all the support. 5000+ unique visitors and 20,000 pageviews in just 4 months! Those numbers arent easy to get, so again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.And to show this overwhelming gratitude, we give you, EUNICA LIM. :">

More after the break

Eunica is a freshman in Ateneo. She enjoys going to the beach, doing some yoga, hanging out with  her friends and eating frozen yogurts

And now, pictures. :)

Thank you KATRINA LYNETTE NGO for this post. :)

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