So its two updates right? Would it be so bad if I do two updates about one topic? No? COOL! On with the show.
What would a bored history major do with a time machine and hundreds of square miles of epic battle grounds? Go back in time, collect history's greatest warriors and make them fighht to the death of course! Come on guys, that was an easy question.
Sadly, we are a long way from time travel although we've already come up with a lot of sweet uses for it like going back in time and befriending Jesus so that I can be in the Bible. Its a personal thing. Despite technological limitations, we can experience the nonsensical blood lust we have all been craving for.
Yeah baby! Leave it to TV. With the right amount of money, TV solves everything.
Deadliest Warrior is a "documentary" that simulates the greatest fighters of the past getting in to a fight no absolutely no reason asides from entertainment.
Like any good manly show, analysis of the two fighters is done by overweight badly dresses dudes yelling at each other and then they go beat the crap out of pig carcasses and ballistics gel.
Fighters range from Aztec warriors to gladiators to ninjas to pirates. I admit, it sounds a lot like the product of a creative mind from a previous post but hey. Its a tried and true formula.
Check out the warriors in epic over dramatized action.
Now I admit this is pretty crazy, shallow and dumb but it gets better! Or at least crazier, shallower and dumber. Naturally with the given amounts of testosterone, violence and simulated death, the next logical step would be to turn it in to a game.
They turned it in to a game.
Sadly this will only be available to the lucky few with Xboxes through Xbox live. Lucky bastards
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