Friday, July 23, 2010

Music Fridays: Eminem - Recovery

They say the measure of a man's toughness is when he is able to muster up enough strength to get up on 'eight' after falling down 'seven.' That's exactly what Eminem came to prove with his latest offering. His 7th studio album, aptly titled "Recovery," was released worldwide more than a month ago, but has never left the Billboard top spot since then. Want proof? Since its release, the album has sold 1.5 million copies. Mind you, in the US alone.

Despite recurring appearances before courts, and being the subject of several controversies and the object of Mariah's (dis)affection, Eminem is able to rise above it all - and able to come up on top. In Recovery, the Slim Shady shares his most emotional sentiments to date with song titles such as "Won't Back Down," "Going Through Changes," and "Cold Wind Blows."

Listen to "Love the Way You Lie"

The album's current single, "Love the Way You Lie," which features an unlikely collabo with Rihanna, is currently dominating charts international and local alike.

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