Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tsibog Tuesdays: Fugu

I guess Fugu (also called Pufferfish and Blowfish) must be included in the list of foods men should eat. It is eaten raw and it poses danger to those who eat it because it is poisonous when not prepared properly. According to Wikipedia, if poisoned with Tetrodoxin (the toxin found in Pufferfish), a man can die in 24 hours. There is no antidote yet for this poison.

I first learned about Fugu in an episode of CSI: New York. In that episode, a woman was killed by Fugu poisoning. I do not watch CSI regularly but that episode caught my attention because I like sushi and the way the restaurant serves it is very interesting.

(The sushi restaurant appears at 1:59)

This Japanese delicacy requires 7 years of training which is quite reasonable since a mistake in preparation could cost the life of the customer or even the life of chef too. As you will see in the next video, the chef must have dexterity and agility in using the knife. Chefs need to cut the fish fast to prevent the spread of poison in its body. The chef also wears a thick glove in his right hand to protect him from poison and bites.

The only downside of eating Fugu is that there are only few chefs who are licensed to prepare it which makes it expensive and rare (If we were to believe CSI, one order of Fugu costs $500). In my research, I found only one restaurant in Metro Manila that serves Fugu. According to this site, the Japanese restaurant called Taka has it. Taka is located at Arnaiz Avenue. If you know any other restaurant in Manila that serves this, leave a comment.

Now, how do you spell raw?

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