Thursday, July 29, 2010

Titillating Thursdays: Adventure Time and a way back to reality

As much as we enjoy spending a nice evening out and watching a good ol' movie, sometimes its just nice to save yourself the money and effort, say "screw it" and settle down for a cozy night in. In contrast to the cerebral provocation, or ,as a lot of people are phrasing it, "mind f**k" that is Inception, heres something to watch that actually KILLS your brain. Kills it. Kills it dead.

No. I dont know what happened either. So Jake the Dog and Finn the human just go around having fun with cartoon physics and rainbows. Weirdly enough, math terms are cool in that world. ex. "Algebraic!" Did you catch that?

Adventure time recently scored a deal with cartoon network and several other episodes are out on the interwebs just so you know. Yeah, they're damn cool but not too cool for R&B!

In a way, theyre stuck in their own dream land which reminds me.

Watch the next video. Its time to wake up.

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